Comparison Category |
DI |
Designed specifically for Driver Evaluation |
Yes |
Test Reliability & Validity Research Provided |
Yes |
Test Completed in 15 to 20 Minutes |
Yes |
On-Site Reports within 2½ Minutes |
Yes |
Truthfulness Scale to Detect Faking |
Yes |
Truth-Corrected Scores for Accuracy |
Yes |
Three Test Administration Options |
Yes |
         Paper - Pencil (English - Spanish) |
Yes |
         On computer screen (English – Spanish) |
Yes |
         Human voice audio (Reading Impaired) |
Yes |
Delete Client Names (Insures Confidentiality) |
Yes |
HIPAA (federal regulation) Compliant |
Yes |
Test Data Input Verification (Insures Accuracy) |
Yes |
Available in English and Spanish |
Yes |
Built-in Database at No Additional Cost |
Yes |
Annual Database Research (free) |
Yes |
Annual Test Program Summary (free) |
Yes |
Aggressiveness Scale |
Yes |
Driver Risk Scale |
Yes |
Self-Rating Scale |
Yes |
Volume Discounts Available |
Yes |
Large Research Database |
Yes |
ASAM Compatible Recommendations |
Yes |
Staff Training (Free) |
Yes |
Examination Kits (Free) |
Yes |
Easily Understood Reports |
Yes |
Thirty-Day Money Back Guarantee |
Yes |
Very Affordable Test Unit Fee |
Yes |
This completes the comparison checklist